Welcome to Diving Heritage !! Welcome to Diving Heritage. The worlds' largest virtual diving helmet museum

The historical wing of the diving helmet museum features hundreds of copper and brass diving helmets and other antique diver's equipment!

The modern wing of the diving helmet museum contains more recent information on the development of professional diving helmets and diver's equipment

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Video clip caption and additional information
The brails or clamping straps are secured to the breastplate or corselet by 6 specially designed wing nuts. The rubber collar is securely sandwiched between the breastplate and the brails making a watertight seal.

Thanks to Pete Davies for supplying this film taken in 2007 at Falmouth, UK.

If you have piece of video footage you would like to contribute to 'Diving Heritage TV'
please email us at info@divingheritage.com

Video Library

Last update:
12th October 2011

Do you want to contribute ? Contact us at info@divingheritage.com