
Espalion is situated in the south of France, between Millau, Rodez and Aurillac. The area and the town offer beautiful views and there are lots of thing to do like hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, fishing or a visit to one of the many castles. However, there is an even better reason to visit this town.
In 1864, French mine engineer Benoit Rouquayrol and French Naval officer Auguste Denayrouze develop the first regulator for diving. Their trials are performed in the river Lot that runs through the town of Espalion. For this reason, France and Espalion are important to diving heritage and in 1980, a museum was founded to remember this important event.

The museum

The diving museum is based in a 15th century church, together with the Museum Joseph Vaylat, where you can see populair arts and traditions.


Another piece of proof that the people of Espalion are proud of their inventors. The two streets that run along the museum are named after them!

A look inside

The museum has a fine collection of interesting and some very rare equipment. There are over 115 beautiful items for you to see. What about this ORIGINAL regulator from 1864? It was used without any head protection or in combination with this special diving helmet that was referred to as the "groin" because it looked like a pig's snout. German producers later copied the "groin" for the gemstone industry in the Baltic sea.

Another rare piece. A Rouquayrol-Denayrouse helmet from 1874 in mint condition. This helmet was also used in combination with the regulator and was the basic design for many later 3-bolt helmets from French, German, English and Russian producers.

Continue to part 2